Module note_seq.chords_lib
Utility functions for working with chord progressions.
Use extract_chords_for_melodies to extract chord progressions from a quantized NoteSequence object, aligned with already-extracted melodies.
Use ChordProgression.to_sequence to write a chord progression to a NoteSequence proto, encoding the chords as text annotations.
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# Copyright 2021 The Magenta Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Utility functions for working with chord progressions.
Use extract_chords_for_melodies to extract chord progressions from a
quantized NoteSequence object, aligned with already-extracted melodies.
Use ChordProgression.to_sequence to write a chord progression to a
NoteSequence proto, encoding the chords as text annotations.
import abc
import bisect
from note_seq import chord_symbols_lib
from note_seq import constants
from note_seq import events_lib
from note_seq import sequences_lib
from note_seq.protobuf import music_pb2
NO_CHORD = constants.NO_CHORD
# Shortcut to CHORD_SYMBOL annotation type.
CHORD_SYMBOL = music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.CHORD_SYMBOL
class CoincidentChordsError(Exception):
class BadChordError(Exception):
class ChordProgression(events_lib.SimpleEventSequence):
"""Stores a quantized stream of chord events.
ChordProgression is an intermediate representation that all chord or lead
sheet models can use. Chords are represented here by a chord symbol string;
model-specific code is responsible for converting this representation to
SequenceExample protos for TensorFlow.
ChordProgression implements an iterable object. Simply iterate to retrieve
the chord events.
ChordProgression events are chord symbol strings like "Cm7", with special
event NO_CHORD to indicate no chordal harmony. When a chord lasts for longer
than a single step, the chord symbol event is repeated multiple times. Note
that this is different from Melody, where the special MELODY_NO_EVENT is used
for subsequent steps of sustained notes; in the case of harmony, there's no
distinction between a repeated chord and a sustained chord.
Chords must be inserted in ascending order by start time.
start_step: The offset of the first step of the progression relative to the
beginning of the source sequence.
end_step: The offset to the beginning of the bar following the last step
of the progression relative to the beginning of the source sequence.
steps_per_quarter: Number of steps in in a quarter note.
steps_per_bar: Number of steps in a bar (measure) of music.
def __init__(self, events=None, **kwargs):
"""Construct a ChordProgression."""
if 'pad_event' in kwargs:
del kwargs['pad_event']
super(ChordProgression, self).__init__(pad_event=NO_CHORD,
events=events, **kwargs)
def _add_chord(self, figure, start_step, end_step):
"""Adds the given chord to the `events` list.
`start_step` is set to the given chord. Everything after `start_step` in
`events` is deleted before the chord is added. `events`'s length will be
changed so that the last event has index `end_step` - 1.
figure: Chord symbol figure. A string like "Cm9" representing the chord.
start_step: A non-negative integer step that the chord begins on.
end_step: An integer step that the chord ends on. The chord is considered
to end at the onset of the end step. `end_step` must be greater than
BadChordError: If `start_step` does not precede `end_step`.
if start_step >= end_step:
raise BadChordError(
'Start step does not precede end step: start=%d, end=%d' %
(start_step, end_step))
for i in range(start_step, end_step):
self._events[i] = figure
def from_quantized_sequence(self, quantized_sequence, start_step, end_step):
"""Populate self with the chords from the given quantized NoteSequence.
A chord progression is extracted from the given sequence starting at time
step `start_step` and ending at time step `end_step`.
The number of time steps per bar is computed from the time signature in
quantized_sequence: A quantized NoteSequence instance.
start_step: Start populating chords at this time step.
end_step: Stop populating chords at this time step.
NonIntegerStepsPerBarError: If `quantized_sequence`'s bar length
(derived from its time signature) is not an integer number of time
CoincidentChordsError: If any of the chords start on the same step.
steps_per_bar_float = sequences_lib.steps_per_bar_in_quantized_sequence(
if steps_per_bar_float % 1 != 0:
raise events_lib.NonIntegerStepsPerBarError(
'There are %f timesteps per bar. Time signature: %d/%d' %
(steps_per_bar_float, quantized_sequence.time_signature.numerator,
self._steps_per_bar = int(steps_per_bar_float)
self._steps_per_quarter = (
# Sort track by chord times.
chords = sorted([a for a in quantized_sequence.text_annotations
if a.annotation_type == CHORD_SYMBOL],
key=lambda chord: chord.quantized_step)
prev_step = None
prev_figure = NO_CHORD
for chord in chords:
if chord.quantized_step >= end_step:
# No more chords within range.
elif chord.quantized_step < start_step:
# Chord is before start of range.
prev_step = chord.quantized_step
prev_figure = chord.text
if chord.quantized_step == prev_step:
if chord.text == prev_figure:
# Identical coincident chords, just skip.
# Two different chords start at the same time step.
raise CoincidentChordsError(
'chords %s and %s are coincident' % (prev_figure, chord.text))
if chord.quantized_step > start_step:
# Add the previous chord.
if prev_step is None:
start_index = 0
start_index = max(prev_step, start_step) - start_step
end_index = chord.quantized_step - start_step
self._add_chord(prev_figure, start_index, end_index)
prev_step = chord.quantized_step
prev_figure = chord.text
if prev_step is None or prev_step < end_step:
# Add the last chord active before end_step.
if prev_step is None:
start_index = 0
start_index = max(prev_step, start_step) - start_step
end_index = end_step - start_step
self._add_chord(prev_figure, start_index, end_index)
self._start_step = start_step
self._end_step = end_step
def to_sequence(self,
"""Converts the ChordProgression to NoteSequence proto.
This doesn't generate actual notes, but text annotations specifying the
chord changes when they occur.
sequence_start_time: A time in seconds (float) that the first chord in
the sequence will land on.
qpm: Quarter notes per minute (float).
A NoteSequence proto encoding the given chords as text annotations.
seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / self.steps_per_quarter
sequence = music_pb2.NoteSequence()
sequence.tempos.add().qpm = qpm
sequence.ticks_per_quarter = STANDARD_PPQ
current_figure = NO_CHORD
for step, figure in enumerate(self):
if figure != current_figure:
current_figure = figure
chord = sequence.text_annotations.add()
chord.time = step * seconds_per_step + sequence_start_time
chord.text = figure
chord.annotation_type = CHORD_SYMBOL
return sequence
def transpose(self, transpose_amount):
"""Transpose chords in this ChordProgression.
transpose_amount: The number of half steps to transpose this
ChordProgression. Positive values transpose up. Negative values
transpose down.
ChordSymbolError: If a chord (other than "no chord") fails to be
interpreted by the `chord_symbols_lib` module.
for i in range(len(self._events)):
if self._events[i] != NO_CHORD:
self._events[i] = chord_symbols_lib.transpose_chord_symbol(
self._events[i], transpose_amount % NOTES_PER_OCTAVE)
def event_list_chords(quantized_sequence, event_lists):
"""Extract corresponding chords for multiple EventSequences.
quantized_sequence: The underlying quantized NoteSequence from which to
extract the chords. It is assumed that the step numbering in this
sequence matches the step numbering in each EventSequence in
event_lists: A list of EventSequence objects.
A nested list of chord the same length as `event_lists`, where each list is
the same length as the corresponding EventSequence (in events, not steps).
chords = ChordProgression()
if quantized_sequence.total_quantized_steps > 0:
quantized_sequence, 0, quantized_sequence.total_quantized_steps)
pad_chord = chords[-1] if chords else NO_CHORD
chord_lists = []
for e in event_lists:
chord_lists.append([chords[step] if step < len(chords) else pad_chord
for step in e.steps])
return chord_lists
def event_list_keys(sequence, event_lists, steps_per_second):
"""Extract corresponding keys for multiple EventSequences.
sequence: The underlying NoteSequence from which to extract the keys.
event_lists: A list of EventSequence objects.
steps_per_second: The number of quantized steps per second in the event
A nested list of keys (integers 0-11 indicating the key signature) the same
length as `event_lists`, where each list is the same length as the
corresponding EventSequence (in events, not necessarily steps).
if not sequence.key_signatures:
raise ValueError('Sequence has no key signatures.')
key_changes = sorted((steps_per_second * ks.time, ks.key)
for ks in sequence.key_signatures)
key_change_steps = [step for (step, _) in key_changes]
def step_to_key(step):
index = bisect.bisect(key_change_steps, step)
if index == 0:
# Step is before first key signature; just use that key.
return key_changes[0][1]
return key_changes[index - 1][1]
key_lists = []
for e in event_lists:
key_lists.append([step_to_key(step) for step in e.steps])
return key_lists
def add_chords_to_sequence(note_sequence, chords, chord_times):
"""Add chords to a NoteSequence (in place) at specified times.
note_sequence: The NoteSequence proto to which chords will be added (in
place). Should not already have chords.
chords: A Python list of chord figure strings to add to `note_sequence` as
text annotations.
chord_times: A Python list containing the time in seconds at which to add
each chord. Should be the same length as `chords` and nondecreasing.
ValueError: If `note_sequence` already has chords, or if `chord_times` is
not sorted in ascending order.
if any(ta.annotation_type == CHORD_SYMBOL
for ta in note_sequence.text_annotations):
raise ValueError('NoteSequence already has chords.')
if any(t1 > t2 for t1, t2 in zip(chord_times[:-1], chord_times[1:])):
raise ValueError('Chord times not sorted in ascending order.')
current_chord = None
for chord, time in zip(chords, chord_times):
if chord != current_chord:
current_chord = chord
ta = note_sequence.text_annotations.add()
ta.annotation_type = CHORD_SYMBOL
ta.time = time
ta.text = chord
def add_keys_to_sequence(note_sequence, keys, key_times):
"""Add key signatures to a NoteSequence (in place) at specified times.
note_sequence: The NoteSequence proto to which key signatures will be added
(in place). Should not already have key signatures.
keys: A Python list of keys (integers 0-11) to add to `note_sequence` as
KeySignature fields.
key_times: A Python list containing the time in seconds at which to add
each key signature. Should be the same length as `keys` and
ValueError: If `note_sequence` already has key signatures, or if `key_times`
is not sorted in ascending order.
if note_sequence.key_signatures:
raise ValueError('NoteSequence already has keys.')
if any(t1 > t2 for t1, t2 in zip(key_times[:-1], key_times[1:])):
raise ValueError('Key times not sorted in ascending order.')
current_key = None
for key, time in zip(keys, key_times):
if key != current_key:
current_key = key
ks = note_sequence.key_signatures.add()
ks.time = time
ks.key = key
class ChordRenderer(object):
"""An abstract class for rendering NoteSequence chord symbols as notes."""
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def render(self, sequence):
"""Renders the chord symbols of a NoteSequence.
This function renders chord symbol annotations in a NoteSequence as actual
notes. Notes are added to the NoteSequence object, and the chord symbols
remain also.
sequence: The NoteSequence for which to render chord symbols.
class BasicChordRenderer(ChordRenderer):
"""A chord renderer that holds each note for the duration of the chord."""
def __init__(self,
"""Initialize a BasicChordRenderer object.
velocity: The MIDI note velocity to use.
instrument: The MIDI instrument to use.
program: The MIDI program to use.
octave: The octave in which to render chord notes. If the bass note is not
otherwise part of the chord, it will not be rendered in this octave.
bass_octave: The octave in which to render chord bass notes.
self._velocity = velocity
self._instrument = instrument
self._program = program
self._octave = octave
self._bass_octave = bass_octave
def _render_notes(self, sequence, pitches, bass_pitch, start_time, end_time):
"""Renders notes."""
all_pitches = []
for pitch in pitches:
all_pitches.append(12 * self._octave + pitch % 12)
all_pitches.append(12 * self._bass_octave + bass_pitch % 12)
for pitch in all_pitches:
# Add a note.
note = sequence.notes.add()
note.start_time = start_time
note.end_time = end_time
note.pitch = pitch
note.velocity = self._velocity
note.instrument = self._instrument
note.program = self._program
def render(self, sequence):
# Sort text annotations by time.
annotations = sorted(sequence.text_annotations, key=lambda a: a.time)
prev_time = 0.0
prev_figure = NO_CHORD
for annotation in annotations:
if annotation.time >= sequence.total_time:
if annotation.annotation_type == CHORD_SYMBOL:
if prev_figure != NO_CHORD:
# Render the previous chord.
pitches = chord_symbols_lib.chord_symbol_pitches(prev_figure)
bass_pitch = chord_symbols_lib.chord_symbol_bass(prev_figure)
prev_time = annotation.time
prev_figure = annotation.text
if (prev_time < sequence.total_time and
prev_figure != NO_CHORD):
# Render the last chord.
pitches = chord_symbols_lib.chord_symbol_pitches(prev_figure)
bass_pitch = chord_symbols_lib.chord_symbol_bass(prev_figure)
def add_chords_to_sequence(note_sequence, chords, chord_times)
Add chords to a NoteSequence (in place) at specified times.
- The NoteSequence proto to which chords will be added (in place). Should not already have chords.
- A Python list of chord figure strings to add to
as text annotations. chord_times
- A Python list containing the time in seconds at which to add
each chord. Should be the same length as
and nondecreasing.
- If
already has chords, or ifchord_times
is not sorted in ascending order.
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def add_chords_to_sequence(note_sequence, chords, chord_times): """Add chords to a NoteSequence (in place) at specified times. Args: note_sequence: The NoteSequence proto to which chords will be added (in place). Should not already have chords. chords: A Python list of chord figure strings to add to `note_sequence` as text annotations. chord_times: A Python list containing the time in seconds at which to add each chord. Should be the same length as `chords` and nondecreasing. Raises: ValueError: If `note_sequence` already has chords, or if `chord_times` is not sorted in ascending order. """ if any(ta.annotation_type == CHORD_SYMBOL for ta in note_sequence.text_annotations): raise ValueError('NoteSequence already has chords.') if any(t1 > t2 for t1, t2 in zip(chord_times[:-1], chord_times[1:])): raise ValueError('Chord times not sorted in ascending order.') current_chord = None for chord, time in zip(chords, chord_times): if chord != current_chord: current_chord = chord ta = note_sequence.text_annotations.add() ta.annotation_type = CHORD_SYMBOL ta.time = time ta.text = chord
def add_keys_to_sequence(note_sequence, keys, key_times)
Add key signatures to a NoteSequence (in place) at specified times.
- The NoteSequence proto to which key signatures will be added (in place). Should not already have key signatures.
- A Python list of keys (integers 0-11) to add to
as KeySignature fields. key_times
- A Python list containing the time in seconds at which to add
each key signature. Should be the same length as
and nondecreasing.
- If
already has key signatures, or ifkey_times
is not sorted in ascending order.
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def add_keys_to_sequence(note_sequence, keys, key_times): """Add key signatures to a NoteSequence (in place) at specified times. Args: note_sequence: The NoteSequence proto to which key signatures will be added (in place). Should not already have key signatures. keys: A Python list of keys (integers 0-11) to add to `note_sequence` as KeySignature fields. key_times: A Python list containing the time in seconds at which to add each key signature. Should be the same length as `keys` and nondecreasing. Raises: ValueError: If `note_sequence` already has key signatures, or if `key_times` is not sorted in ascending order. """ if note_sequence.key_signatures: raise ValueError('NoteSequence already has keys.') if any(t1 > t2 for t1, t2 in zip(key_times[:-1], key_times[1:])): raise ValueError('Key times not sorted in ascending order.') current_key = None for key, time in zip(keys, key_times): if key != current_key: current_key = key ks = note_sequence.key_signatures.add() ks.time = time ks.key = key
def event_list_chords(quantized_sequence, event_lists)
Extract corresponding chords for multiple EventSequences.
- The underlying quantized NoteSequence from which to
extract the chords. It is assumed that the step numbering in this
sequence matches the step numbering in each EventSequence in
. event_lists
- A list of EventSequence objects.
A nested list of chord the same length as
, where each list is the same length as the corresponding EventSequence (in events, not steps).Expand source code
def event_list_chords(quantized_sequence, event_lists): """Extract corresponding chords for multiple EventSequences. Args: quantized_sequence: The underlying quantized NoteSequence from which to extract the chords. It is assumed that the step numbering in this sequence matches the step numbering in each EventSequence in `event_lists`. event_lists: A list of EventSequence objects. Returns: A nested list of chord the same length as `event_lists`, where each list is the same length as the corresponding EventSequence (in events, not steps). """ sequences_lib.assert_is_relative_quantized_sequence(quantized_sequence) chords = ChordProgression() if quantized_sequence.total_quantized_steps > 0: chords.from_quantized_sequence( quantized_sequence, 0, quantized_sequence.total_quantized_steps) pad_chord = chords[-1] if chords else NO_CHORD chord_lists = [] for e in event_lists: chord_lists.append([chords[step] if step < len(chords) else pad_chord for step in e.steps]) return chord_lists
def event_list_keys(sequence, event_lists, steps_per_second)
Extract corresponding keys for multiple EventSequences.
- The underlying NoteSequence from which to extract the keys.
- A list of EventSequence objects.
- The number of quantized steps per second in the event lists.
A nested list of keys (integers 0-11 indicating the key signature) the same length as
, where each list is the same length as the corresponding EventSequence (in events, not necessarily steps).Expand source code
def event_list_keys(sequence, event_lists, steps_per_second): """Extract corresponding keys for multiple EventSequences. Args: sequence: The underlying NoteSequence from which to extract the keys. event_lists: A list of EventSequence objects. steps_per_second: The number of quantized steps per second in the event lists. Returns: A nested list of keys (integers 0-11 indicating the key signature) the same length as `event_lists`, where each list is the same length as the corresponding EventSequence (in events, not necessarily steps). """ if not sequence.key_signatures: raise ValueError('Sequence has no key signatures.') key_changes = sorted((steps_per_second * ks.time, ks.key) for ks in sequence.key_signatures) key_change_steps = [step for (step, _) in key_changes] def step_to_key(step): index = bisect.bisect(key_change_steps, step) if index == 0: # Step is before first key signature; just use that key. return key_changes[0][1] else: return key_changes[index - 1][1] key_lists = [] for e in event_lists: key_lists.append([step_to_key(step) for step in e.steps]) return key_lists
class BadChordError (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class BadChordError(Exception): pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class BasicChordRenderer (velocity=100, instrument=1, program=88, octave=4, bass_octave=3)
A chord renderer that holds each note for the duration of the chord.
Initialize a BasicChordRenderer object.
- The MIDI note velocity to use.
- The MIDI instrument to use.
- The MIDI program to use.
- The octave in which to render chord notes. If the bass note is not otherwise part of the chord, it will not be rendered in this octave.
- The octave in which to render chord bass notes.
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class BasicChordRenderer(ChordRenderer): """A chord renderer that holds each note for the duration of the chord.""" def __init__(self, velocity=100, instrument=1, program=88, octave=4, bass_octave=3): """Initialize a BasicChordRenderer object. Args: velocity: The MIDI note velocity to use. instrument: The MIDI instrument to use. program: The MIDI program to use. octave: The octave in which to render chord notes. If the bass note is not otherwise part of the chord, it will not be rendered in this octave. bass_octave: The octave in which to render chord bass notes. """ self._velocity = velocity self._instrument = instrument self._program = program self._octave = octave self._bass_octave = bass_octave def _render_notes(self, sequence, pitches, bass_pitch, start_time, end_time): """Renders notes.""" all_pitches = [] for pitch in pitches: all_pitches.append(12 * self._octave + pitch % 12) all_pitches.append(12 * self._bass_octave + bass_pitch % 12) for pitch in all_pitches: # Add a note. note = sequence.notes.add() note.start_time = start_time note.end_time = end_time note.pitch = pitch note.velocity = self._velocity note.instrument = self._instrument note.program = self._program def render(self, sequence): # Sort text annotations by time. annotations = sorted(sequence.text_annotations, key=lambda a: a.time) prev_time = 0.0 prev_figure = NO_CHORD for annotation in annotations: if annotation.time >= sequence.total_time: break if annotation.annotation_type == CHORD_SYMBOL: if prev_figure != NO_CHORD: # Render the previous chord. pitches = chord_symbols_lib.chord_symbol_pitches(prev_figure) bass_pitch = chord_symbols_lib.chord_symbol_bass(prev_figure) self._render_notes(sequence=sequence, pitches=pitches, bass_pitch=bass_pitch, start_time=prev_time, end_time=annotation.time) prev_time = annotation.time prev_figure = annotation.text if (prev_time < sequence.total_time and prev_figure != NO_CHORD): # Render the last chord. pitches = chord_symbols_lib.chord_symbol_pitches(prev_figure) bass_pitch = chord_symbols_lib.chord_symbol_bass(prev_figure) self._render_notes(sequence=sequence, pitches=pitches, bass_pitch=bass_pitch, start_time=prev_time, end_time=sequence.total_time)
Inherited members
class ChordProgression (events=None, **kwargs)
Stores a quantized stream of chord events.
ChordProgression is an intermediate representation that all chord or lead sheet models can use. Chords are represented here by a chord symbol string; model-specific code is responsible for converting this representation to SequenceExample protos for TensorFlow.
ChordProgression implements an iterable object. Simply iterate to retrieve the chord events.
ChordProgression events are chord symbol strings like "Cm7", with special event NO_CHORD to indicate no chordal harmony. When a chord lasts for longer than a single step, the chord symbol event is repeated multiple times. Note that this is different from Melody, where the special MELODY_NO_EVENT is used for subsequent steps of sustained notes; in the case of harmony, there's no distinction between a repeated chord and a sustained chord.
Chords must be inserted in ascending order by start time.
- The offset of the first step of the progression relative to the beginning of the source sequence.
- The offset to the beginning of the bar following the last step of the progression relative to the beginning of the source sequence.
- Number of steps in in a quarter note.
- Number of steps in a bar (measure) of music.
Construct a ChordProgression.
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class ChordProgression(events_lib.SimpleEventSequence): """Stores a quantized stream of chord events. ChordProgression is an intermediate representation that all chord or lead sheet models can use. Chords are represented here by a chord symbol string; model-specific code is responsible for converting this representation to SequenceExample protos for TensorFlow. ChordProgression implements an iterable object. Simply iterate to retrieve the chord events. ChordProgression events are chord symbol strings like "Cm7", with special event NO_CHORD to indicate no chordal harmony. When a chord lasts for longer than a single step, the chord symbol event is repeated multiple times. Note that this is different from Melody, where the special MELODY_NO_EVENT is used for subsequent steps of sustained notes; in the case of harmony, there's no distinction between a repeated chord and a sustained chord. Chords must be inserted in ascending order by start time. Attributes: start_step: The offset of the first step of the progression relative to the beginning of the source sequence. end_step: The offset to the beginning of the bar following the last step of the progression relative to the beginning of the source sequence. steps_per_quarter: Number of steps in in a quarter note. steps_per_bar: Number of steps in a bar (measure) of music. """ def __init__(self, events=None, **kwargs): """Construct a ChordProgression.""" if 'pad_event' in kwargs: del kwargs['pad_event'] super(ChordProgression, self).__init__(pad_event=NO_CHORD, events=events, **kwargs) def _add_chord(self, figure, start_step, end_step): """Adds the given chord to the `events` list. `start_step` is set to the given chord. Everything after `start_step` in `events` is deleted before the chord is added. `events`'s length will be changed so that the last event has index `end_step` - 1. Args: figure: Chord symbol figure. A string like "Cm9" representing the chord. start_step: A non-negative integer step that the chord begins on. end_step: An integer step that the chord ends on. The chord is considered to end at the onset of the end step. `end_step` must be greater than `start_step`. Raises: BadChordError: If `start_step` does not precede `end_step`. """ if start_step >= end_step: raise BadChordError( 'Start step does not precede end step: start=%d, end=%d' % (start_step, end_step)) self.set_length(end_step) for i in range(start_step, end_step): self._events[i] = figure def from_quantized_sequence(self, quantized_sequence, start_step, end_step): """Populate self with the chords from the given quantized NoteSequence. A chord progression is extracted from the given sequence starting at time step `start_step` and ending at time step `end_step`. The number of time steps per bar is computed from the time signature in `quantized_sequence`. Args: quantized_sequence: A quantized NoteSequence instance. start_step: Start populating chords at this time step. end_step: Stop populating chords at this time step. Raises: NonIntegerStepsPerBarError: If `quantized_sequence`'s bar length (derived from its time signature) is not an integer number of time steps. CoincidentChordsError: If any of the chords start on the same step. """ sequences_lib.assert_is_relative_quantized_sequence(quantized_sequence) self._reset() steps_per_bar_float = sequences_lib.steps_per_bar_in_quantized_sequence( quantized_sequence) if steps_per_bar_float % 1 != 0: raise events_lib.NonIntegerStepsPerBarError( 'There are %f timesteps per bar. Time signature: %d/%d' % (steps_per_bar_float, quantized_sequence.time_signature.numerator, quantized_sequence.time_signature.denominator)) self._steps_per_bar = int(steps_per_bar_float) self._steps_per_quarter = ( quantized_sequence.quantization_info.steps_per_quarter) # Sort track by chord times. chords = sorted([a for a in quantized_sequence.text_annotations if a.annotation_type == CHORD_SYMBOL], key=lambda chord: chord.quantized_step) prev_step = None prev_figure = NO_CHORD for chord in chords: if chord.quantized_step >= end_step: # No more chords within range. break elif chord.quantized_step < start_step: # Chord is before start of range. prev_step = chord.quantized_step prev_figure = chord.text continue if chord.quantized_step == prev_step: if chord.text == prev_figure: # Identical coincident chords, just skip. continue else: # Two different chords start at the same time step. self._reset() raise CoincidentChordsError( 'chords %s and %s are coincident' % (prev_figure, chord.text)) if chord.quantized_step > start_step: # Add the previous chord. if prev_step is None: start_index = 0 else: start_index = max(prev_step, start_step) - start_step end_index = chord.quantized_step - start_step self._add_chord(prev_figure, start_index, end_index) prev_step = chord.quantized_step prev_figure = chord.text if prev_step is None or prev_step < end_step: # Add the last chord active before end_step. if prev_step is None: start_index = 0 else: start_index = max(prev_step, start_step) - start_step end_index = end_step - start_step self._add_chord(prev_figure, start_index, end_index) self._start_step = start_step self._end_step = end_step def to_sequence(self, sequence_start_time=0.0, qpm=120.0): """Converts the ChordProgression to NoteSequence proto. This doesn't generate actual notes, but text annotations specifying the chord changes when they occur. Args: sequence_start_time: A time in seconds (float) that the first chord in the sequence will land on. qpm: Quarter notes per minute (float). Returns: A NoteSequence proto encoding the given chords as text annotations. """ seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / self.steps_per_quarter sequence = music_pb2.NoteSequence() sequence.tempos.add().qpm = qpm sequence.ticks_per_quarter = STANDARD_PPQ current_figure = NO_CHORD for step, figure in enumerate(self): if figure != current_figure: current_figure = figure chord = sequence.text_annotations.add() chord.time = step * seconds_per_step + sequence_start_time chord.text = figure chord.annotation_type = CHORD_SYMBOL return sequence def transpose(self, transpose_amount): """Transpose chords in this ChordProgression. Args: transpose_amount: The number of half steps to transpose this ChordProgression. Positive values transpose up. Negative values transpose down. Raises: ChordSymbolError: If a chord (other than "no chord") fails to be interpreted by the `chord_symbols_lib` module. """ for i in range(len(self._events)): if self._events[i] != NO_CHORD: self._events[i] = chord_symbols_lib.transpose_chord_symbol( self._events[i], transpose_amount % NOTES_PER_OCTAVE)
def from_quantized_sequence(self, quantized_sequence, start_step, end_step)
Populate self with the chords from the given quantized NoteSequence.
A chord progression is extracted from the given sequence starting at time step
and ending at time stepend_step
.The number of time steps per bar is computed from the time signature in
- A quantized NoteSequence instance.
- Start populating chords at this time step.
- Stop populating chords at this time step.
- If
's bar length (derived from its time signature) is not an integer number of time steps. CoincidentChordsError
- If any of the chords start on the same step.
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def from_quantized_sequence(self, quantized_sequence, start_step, end_step): """Populate self with the chords from the given quantized NoteSequence. A chord progression is extracted from the given sequence starting at time step `start_step` and ending at time step `end_step`. The number of time steps per bar is computed from the time signature in `quantized_sequence`. Args: quantized_sequence: A quantized NoteSequence instance. start_step: Start populating chords at this time step. end_step: Stop populating chords at this time step. Raises: NonIntegerStepsPerBarError: If `quantized_sequence`'s bar length (derived from its time signature) is not an integer number of time steps. CoincidentChordsError: If any of the chords start on the same step. """ sequences_lib.assert_is_relative_quantized_sequence(quantized_sequence) self._reset() steps_per_bar_float = sequences_lib.steps_per_bar_in_quantized_sequence( quantized_sequence) if steps_per_bar_float % 1 != 0: raise events_lib.NonIntegerStepsPerBarError( 'There are %f timesteps per bar. Time signature: %d/%d' % (steps_per_bar_float, quantized_sequence.time_signature.numerator, quantized_sequence.time_signature.denominator)) self._steps_per_bar = int(steps_per_bar_float) self._steps_per_quarter = ( quantized_sequence.quantization_info.steps_per_quarter) # Sort track by chord times. chords = sorted([a for a in quantized_sequence.text_annotations if a.annotation_type == CHORD_SYMBOL], key=lambda chord: chord.quantized_step) prev_step = None prev_figure = NO_CHORD for chord in chords: if chord.quantized_step >= end_step: # No more chords within range. break elif chord.quantized_step < start_step: # Chord is before start of range. prev_step = chord.quantized_step prev_figure = chord.text continue if chord.quantized_step == prev_step: if chord.text == prev_figure: # Identical coincident chords, just skip. continue else: # Two different chords start at the same time step. self._reset() raise CoincidentChordsError( 'chords %s and %s are coincident' % (prev_figure, chord.text)) if chord.quantized_step > start_step: # Add the previous chord. if prev_step is None: start_index = 0 else: start_index = max(prev_step, start_step) - start_step end_index = chord.quantized_step - start_step self._add_chord(prev_figure, start_index, end_index) prev_step = chord.quantized_step prev_figure = chord.text if prev_step is None or prev_step < end_step: # Add the last chord active before end_step. if prev_step is None: start_index = 0 else: start_index = max(prev_step, start_step) - start_step end_index = end_step - start_step self._add_chord(prev_figure, start_index, end_index) self._start_step = start_step self._end_step = end_step
def to_sequence(self, sequence_start_time=0.0, qpm=120.0)
Converts the ChordProgression to NoteSequence proto.
This doesn't generate actual notes, but text annotations specifying the chord changes when they occur.
- A time in seconds (float) that the first chord in the sequence will land on.
- Quarter notes per minute (float).
A NoteSequence proto encoding the given chords as text annotations.
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def to_sequence(self, sequence_start_time=0.0, qpm=120.0): """Converts the ChordProgression to NoteSequence proto. This doesn't generate actual notes, but text annotations specifying the chord changes when they occur. Args: sequence_start_time: A time in seconds (float) that the first chord in the sequence will land on. qpm: Quarter notes per minute (float). Returns: A NoteSequence proto encoding the given chords as text annotations. """ seconds_per_step = 60.0 / qpm / self.steps_per_quarter sequence = music_pb2.NoteSequence() sequence.tempos.add().qpm = qpm sequence.ticks_per_quarter = STANDARD_PPQ current_figure = NO_CHORD for step, figure in enumerate(self): if figure != current_figure: current_figure = figure chord = sequence.text_annotations.add() chord.time = step * seconds_per_step + sequence_start_time chord.text = figure chord.annotation_type = CHORD_SYMBOL return sequence
def transpose(self, transpose_amount)
Transpose chords in this ChordProgression.
- The number of half steps to transpose this ChordProgression. Positive values transpose up. Negative values transpose down.
- If a chord (other than "no chord") fails to be
interpreted by the
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def transpose(self, transpose_amount): """Transpose chords in this ChordProgression. Args: transpose_amount: The number of half steps to transpose this ChordProgression. Positive values transpose up. Negative values transpose down. Raises: ChordSymbolError: If a chord (other than "no chord") fails to be interpreted by the `chord_symbols_lib` module. """ for i in range(len(self._events)): if self._events[i] != NO_CHORD: self._events[i] = chord_symbols_lib.transpose_chord_symbol( self._events[i], transpose_amount % NOTES_PER_OCTAVE)
Inherited members
class ChordRenderer
An abstract class for rendering NoteSequence chord symbols as notes.
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class ChordRenderer(object): """An abstract class for rendering NoteSequence chord symbols as notes.""" __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractmethod def render(self, sequence): """Renders the chord symbols of a NoteSequence. This function renders chord symbol annotations in a NoteSequence as actual notes. Notes are added to the NoteSequence object, and the chord symbols remain also. Args: sequence: The NoteSequence for which to render chord symbols. """ pass
def render(self, sequence)
Renders the chord symbols of a NoteSequence.
This function renders chord symbol annotations in a NoteSequence as actual notes. Notes are added to the NoteSequence object, and the chord symbols remain also.
- The NoteSequence for which to render chord symbols.
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@abc.abstractmethod def render(self, sequence): """Renders the chord symbols of a NoteSequence. This function renders chord symbol annotations in a NoteSequence as actual notes. Notes are added to the NoteSequence object, and the chord symbols remain also. Args: sequence: The NoteSequence for which to render chord symbols. """ pass
class CoincidentChordsError (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class CoincidentChordsError(Exception): pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException