Module note_seq.chord_inference

Chord inference for NoteSequences.

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# Copyright 2021 The Magenta Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Chord inference for NoteSequences."""
import bisect
import itertools
import math
import numbers

from absl import logging
from note_seq import constants
from note_seq import sequences_lib
from note_seq.protobuf import music_pb2
import numpy as np

# Names of pitch classes to use (mostly ignoring spelling).
    'C', 'C#', 'D', 'Eb', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'Ab', 'A', 'Bb', 'B']

# Pitch classes in a key (rooted at zero).
_KEY_PITCHES = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]

# Pitch classes in each chord kind (rooted at zero).
    '': [0, 4, 7],
    'm': [0, 3, 7],
    '+': [0, 4, 8],
    'dim': [0, 3, 6],
    '7': [0, 4, 7, 10],
    'maj7': [0, 4, 7, 11],
    'm7': [0, 3, 7, 10],
    'm7b5': [0, 3, 6, 10],

# All usable chords, including no-chord.
_CHORDS = [constants.NO_CHORD] + list(
    itertools.product(range(12), _CHORD_KINDS))

# All key-chord pairs.
_KEY_CHORDS = list(itertools.product(range(12), _CHORDS))

# Maximum length of chord sequence to infer.

# Mapping from time signature to number of chords to infer per bar.
    (2, 2): 1,
    (2, 4): 1,
    (3, 4): 1,
    (4, 4): 2,
    (6, 8): 2,

def _key_chord_distribution(chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob):
  """Probability distribution over chords for each key."""
  num_pitches_in_key = np.zeros([12, len(_CHORDS)], dtype=np.int32)
  num_pitches_out_of_key = np.zeros([12, len(_CHORDS)], dtype=np.int32)

  # For each key and chord, compute the number of chord notes in the key and the
  # number of chord notes outside the key.
  for key in range(12):
    key_pitches = set((key + offset) % 12 for offset in _KEY_PITCHES)
    for i, chord in enumerate(_CHORDS[1:]):
      root, kind = chord
      chord_pitches = set((root + offset) % 12
                          for offset in _CHORD_KIND_PITCHES[kind])
      num_pitches_in_key[key, i + 1] = len(chord_pitches & key_pitches)
      num_pitches_out_of_key[key, i + 1] = len(chord_pitches - key_pitches)

  # Compute the probability of each chord under each key, normalizing to sum to
  # one for each key.
  mat = ((1 - chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob) ** num_pitches_in_key *
         chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob ** num_pitches_out_of_key)
  mat /= mat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
  return mat

def _key_chord_transition_distribution(
    key_chord_distribution, key_change_prob, chord_change_prob):
  """Transition distribution between key-chord pairs."""
  mat = np.zeros([len(_KEY_CHORDS), len(_KEY_CHORDS)])

  for i, key_chord_1 in enumerate(_KEY_CHORDS):
    key_1, chord_1 = key_chord_1
    chord_index_1 = i % len(_CHORDS)

    for j, key_chord_2 in enumerate(_KEY_CHORDS):
      key_2, chord_2 = key_chord_2
      chord_index_2 = j % len(_CHORDS)

      if key_1 != key_2:
        # Key change. Chord probability depends only on key and not previous
        # chord.
        mat[i, j] = (key_change_prob / 11)
        mat[i, j] *= key_chord_distribution[key_2, chord_index_2]

        # No key change.
        mat[i, j] = 1 - key_change_prob
        if chord_1 != chord_2:
          # Chord probability depends on key, but we have to redistribute the
          # probability mass on the previous chord since we know the chord
          # changed.
          mat[i, j] *= (
              chord_change_prob * (
                  key_chord_distribution[key_2, chord_index_2] +
                  key_chord_distribution[key_2, chord_index_1] / (len(_CHORDS) -
          # No chord change.
          mat[i, j] *= 1 - chord_change_prob

  return mat

def _chord_pitch_vectors():
  """Unit vectors over pitch classes for all chords."""
  x = np.zeros([len(_CHORDS), 12])
  for i, chord in enumerate(_CHORDS[1:]):
    root, kind = chord
    for offset in _CHORD_KIND_PITCHES[kind]:
      x[i + 1, (root + offset) % 12] = 1
  x[1:, :] /= np.linalg.norm(x[1:, :], axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
  return x

def sequence_note_pitch_vectors(sequence, seconds_per_frame):
  """Compute pitch class vectors for temporal frames across a sequence.

    sequence: The NoteSequence for which to compute pitch class vectors.
    seconds_per_frame: The size of the frame corresponding to each pitch class
        vector, in seconds. Alternatively, a list of frame boundary times in
        seconds (not including initial start time and final end time).

    A numpy array with shape `[num_frames, 12]` where each row is a unit-
    normalized pitch class vector for the corresponding frame in `sequence`.
  if isinstance(seconds_per_frame, numbers.Number):
    # Construct array of frame boundary times.
    num_frames = int(math.ceil(sequence.total_time / seconds_per_frame))
    frame_boundaries = seconds_per_frame * np.arange(1, num_frames)
    frame_boundaries = sorted(seconds_per_frame)
    num_frames = len(frame_boundaries) + 1

  x = np.zeros([num_frames, 12])

  for note in sequence.notes:
    if note.is_drum:
    if note.program in constants.UNPITCHED_PROGRAMS:

    start_frame = bisect.bisect_right(frame_boundaries, note.start_time)
    end_frame = bisect.bisect_left(frame_boundaries, note.end_time)
    pitch_class = note.pitch % 12

    if start_frame >= end_frame:
      x[start_frame, pitch_class] += note.end_time - note.start_time
      x[start_frame, pitch_class] += (
          frame_boundaries[start_frame] - note.start_time)
      for frame in range(start_frame + 1, end_frame):
        x[frame, pitch_class] += (
            frame_boundaries[frame] - frame_boundaries[frame - 1])
      x[end_frame, pitch_class] += (
          note.end_time - frame_boundaries[end_frame - 1])

  x_norm = np.linalg.norm(x, axis=1)
  nonzero_frames = x_norm > 0
  x[nonzero_frames, :] /= x_norm[nonzero_frames, np.newaxis]

  return x

def _chord_frame_log_likelihood(note_pitch_vectors, chord_note_concentration):
  """Log-likelihood of observing each frame of note pitches under each chord."""
  return chord_note_concentration *,

def _key_chord_viterbi(chord_frame_loglik,
  """Use the Viterbi algorithm to infer a sequence of key-chord pairs."""
  num_frames, num_chords = chord_frame_loglik.shape
  num_key_chords = len(key_chord_transition_loglik)

  loglik_matrix = np.zeros([num_frames, num_key_chords])
  path_matrix = np.zeros([num_frames, num_key_chords], dtype=np.int32)

  # Initialize with a uniform distribution over keys.
  for i, key_chord in enumerate(_KEY_CHORDS):
    key, unused_chord = key_chord
    chord_index = i % len(_CHORDS)
    loglik_matrix[0, i] = (
        -np.log(12) + key_chord_loglik[key, chord_index] +
        chord_frame_loglik[0, chord_index])

  for frame in range(1, num_frames):
    # At each frame, store the log-likelihood of the best sequence ending in
    # each key-chord pair, along with the index of the parent key-chord pair
    # from the previous frame.
    mat = (np.tile(loglik_matrix[frame - 1][:, np.newaxis],
                   [1, num_key_chords]) +
    path_matrix[frame, :] = mat.argmax(axis=0)
    loglik_matrix[frame, :] = (
        mat[path_matrix[frame, :], range(num_key_chords)] +
        np.tile(chord_frame_loglik[frame], 12))

  # Reconstruct the most likely sequence of key-chord pairs.
  path = [np.argmax(loglik_matrix[-1])]
  for frame in range(num_frames, 1, -1):
    path.append(path_matrix[frame - 1, path[-1]])

  return [(index // num_chords, _CHORDS[index % num_chords])
          for index in path[::-1]]

class ChordInferenceError(Exception):  # pylint:disable=g-bad-exception-name

class SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError(ChordInferenceError):

class UncommonTimeSignatureError(ChordInferenceError):

class NonIntegerStepsPerChordError(ChordInferenceError):

class EmptySequenceError(ChordInferenceError):

class SequenceTooLongError(ChordInferenceError):

def infer_chords_for_sequence(sequence,
  """Infer chords for a NoteSequence using the Viterbi algorithm.

  This uses some heuristics to infer chords for a quantized NoteSequence. At
  each chord position a key and chord will be inferred, and the chords will be
  added (as text annotations) to the sequence.

  If the sequence is quantized relative to meter, a fixed number of chords per
  bar will be inferred. Otherwise, the sequence is expected to have beat
  annotations and one chord will be inferred per beat.

    sequence: The NoteSequence for which to infer chords. This NoteSequence will
        be modified in place.
    chords_per_bar: If `sequence` is quantized, the number of chords per bar to
        infer. If None, use a default number of chords based on the time
        signature of `sequence`.
    key_change_prob: Probability of a key change between two adjacent frames.
    chord_change_prob: Probability of a chord change between two adjacent
    chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob: Probability of a pitch in a chord not belonging
        to the current key.
    chord_note_concentration: Concentration parameter for the distribution of
        observed pitches played over a chord. At zero, all pitches are equally
        likely. As concentration increases, observed pitches must match the
        chord pitches more closely.
    add_key_signatures: If True, also add inferred key signatures to
        `quantized_sequence` (and remove any existing key signatures).

    SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError: If `sequence` already has chords.
    QuantizationStatusError: If `sequence` is not quantized relative to
        meter but `chords_per_bar` is specified or no beat annotations are
    UncommonTimeSignatureError: If `chords_per_bar` is not specified and
        `sequence` is quantized and has an uncommon time signature.
    NonIntegerStepsPerChordError: If the number of quantized steps per chord
        is not an integer.
    EmptySequenceError: If `sequence` is empty.
    SequenceTooLongError: If the number of chords to be inferred is too
  for ta in sequence.text_annotations:
    if ta.annotation_type == music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.CHORD_SYMBOL:
      raise SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError(
          'NoteSequence already has chord(s): %s' % ta.text)

  if sequences_lib.is_relative_quantized_sequence(sequence):
    # Infer a fixed number of chords per bar.
    if chords_per_bar is None:
      time_signature = (sequence.time_signatures[0].numerator,
      if time_signature not in _DEFAULT_TIME_SIGNATURE_CHORDS_PER_BAR:
        raise UncommonTimeSignatureError(
            'No default chords per bar for time signature: (%d, %d)' %
      chords_per_bar = _DEFAULT_TIME_SIGNATURE_CHORDS_PER_BAR[time_signature]

    # Determine the number of seconds (and steps) each chord is held.
    steps_per_bar_float = sequences_lib.steps_per_bar_in_quantized_sequence(
    steps_per_chord_float = steps_per_bar_float / chords_per_bar
    if steps_per_chord_float != round(steps_per_chord_float):
      raise NonIntegerStepsPerChordError(
          'Non-integer number of steps per chord: %f' % steps_per_chord_float)
    steps_per_chord = int(steps_per_chord_float)
    steps_per_second = sequences_lib.steps_per_quarter_to_steps_per_second(
        sequence.quantization_info.steps_per_quarter, sequence.tempos[0].qpm)
    seconds_per_chord = steps_per_chord / steps_per_second

    num_chords = int(math.ceil(sequence.total_time / seconds_per_chord))
    if num_chords == 0:
      raise EmptySequenceError('NoteSequence is empty.')

    # Sequence is not quantized relative to meter; chord changes will happen at
    # annotated beat times.
    if chords_per_bar is not None:
      raise sequences_lib.QuantizationStatusError(
          'Sequence must be quantized to infer fixed number of chords per bar.')
    beats = [
        ta for ta in sequence.text_annotations
        if ta.annotation_type == music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.BEAT
    if not beats:
      raise sequences_lib.QuantizationStatusError(
          'Sequence must be quantized to infer chords without annotated beats.')

    # Only keep unique beats in the interior of the sequence. The first chord
    # always starts at time zero, the last chord always ends at
    # `sequence.total_time`, and we don't want any zero-length chords.
    sorted_beats = sorted(
        [beat for beat in beats if 0.0 < beat.time < sequence.total_time],
        key=lambda beat: beat.time)
    unique_sorted_beats = [sorted_beats[i] for i in range(len(sorted_beats))
                           if i == 0
                           or sorted_beats[i].time > sorted_beats[i - 1].time]

    num_chords = len(unique_sorted_beats) + 1
    sorted_beat_times = [beat.time for beat in unique_sorted_beats]
    if sequences_lib.is_quantized_sequence(sequence):
      sorted_beat_steps = [beat.quantized_step for beat in unique_sorted_beats]

  if num_chords > _MAX_NUM_CHORDS:
    raise SequenceTooLongError(
        'NoteSequence too long for chord inference: %d frames' % num_chords)

  # Compute pitch vectors for each chord frame, then compute log-likelihood of
  # observing those pitch vectors under each possible chord.
  note_pitch_vectors = sequence_note_pitch_vectors(
      seconds_per_chord if chords_per_bar is not None else sorted_beat_times)
  chord_frame_loglik = _chord_frame_log_likelihood(
      note_pitch_vectors, chord_note_concentration)

  # Compute distribution over chords for each key, and transition distribution
  # between key-chord pairs.
  key_chord_distribution = _key_chord_distribution(
  key_chord_transition_distribution = _key_chord_transition_distribution(
  key_chord_loglik = np.log(key_chord_distribution)
  key_chord_transition_loglik = np.log(key_chord_transition_distribution)

  key_chords = _key_chord_viterbi(
      chord_frame_loglik, key_chord_loglik, key_chord_transition_loglik)

  if add_key_signatures:
    del sequence.key_signatures[:]

  # Add the inferred chord changes to the sequence, optionally adding key
  # signature(s) as well.
  current_key_name = None
  current_chord_name = None
  for frame, (key, chord) in enumerate(key_chords):
    if chords_per_bar is not None:
      time = frame * seconds_per_chord
      time = 0.0 if frame == 0 else sorted_beat_times[frame - 1]

    if _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key] != current_key_name:
      # A key change was inferred.
      if add_key_signatures:
        ks = sequence.key_signatures.add()
        ks.time = time
        ks.key = key
        if current_key_name is not None:

              'Sequence has key change from %s to %s at %f seconds.',
              current_key_name, _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key], time)

      current_key_name = _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key]

    if chord == constants.NO_CHORD:
      figure = constants.NO_CHORD
      root, kind = chord
      figure = '%s%s' % (_PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[root], kind)

    if figure != current_chord_name:
      ta = sequence.text_annotations.add()
      ta.time = time
      if sequences_lib.is_quantized_sequence(sequence):
        if chords_per_bar is not None:
          ta.quantized_step = frame * steps_per_chord
          ta.quantized_step = 0 if frame == 0 else sorted_beat_steps[frame - 1]
      ta.text = figure
      ta.annotation_type = music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.CHORD_SYMBOL
      current_chord_name = figure


def infer_chords_for_sequence(sequence, chords_per_bar=None, key_change_prob=0.001, chord_change_prob=0.5, chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob=0.01, chord_note_concentration=100.0, add_key_signatures=False)

Infer chords for a NoteSequence using the Viterbi algorithm.

This uses some heuristics to infer chords for a quantized NoteSequence. At each chord position a key and chord will be inferred, and the chords will be added (as text annotations) to the sequence.

If the sequence is quantized relative to meter, a fixed number of chords per bar will be inferred. Otherwise, the sequence is expected to have beat annotations and one chord will be inferred per beat.


The NoteSequence for which to infer chords. This NoteSequence will be modified in place.
If sequence is quantized, the number of chords per bar to infer. If None, use a default number of chords based on the time signature of sequence.
Probability of a key change between two adjacent frames.
Probability of a chord change between two adjacent frames.
Probability of a pitch in a chord not belonging to the current key.
Concentration parameter for the distribution of observed pitches played over a chord. At zero, all pitches are equally likely. As concentration increases, observed pitches must match the chord pitches more closely.
If True, also add inferred key signatures to quantized_sequence (and remove any existing key signatures).


If sequence already has chords.
If sequence is not quantized relative to meter but chords_per_bar is specified or no beat annotations are present.
If chords_per_bar is not specified and sequence is quantized and has an uncommon time signature.
If the number of quantized steps per chord is not an integer.
If sequence is empty.
If the number of chords to be inferred is too large.
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def infer_chords_for_sequence(sequence,
  """Infer chords for a NoteSequence using the Viterbi algorithm.

  This uses some heuristics to infer chords for a quantized NoteSequence. At
  each chord position a key and chord will be inferred, and the chords will be
  added (as text annotations) to the sequence.

  If the sequence is quantized relative to meter, a fixed number of chords per
  bar will be inferred. Otherwise, the sequence is expected to have beat
  annotations and one chord will be inferred per beat.

    sequence: The NoteSequence for which to infer chords. This NoteSequence will
        be modified in place.
    chords_per_bar: If `sequence` is quantized, the number of chords per bar to
        infer. If None, use a default number of chords based on the time
        signature of `sequence`.
    key_change_prob: Probability of a key change between two adjacent frames.
    chord_change_prob: Probability of a chord change between two adjacent
    chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob: Probability of a pitch in a chord not belonging
        to the current key.
    chord_note_concentration: Concentration parameter for the distribution of
        observed pitches played over a chord. At zero, all pitches are equally
        likely. As concentration increases, observed pitches must match the
        chord pitches more closely.
    add_key_signatures: If True, also add inferred key signatures to
        `quantized_sequence` (and remove any existing key signatures).

    SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError: If `sequence` already has chords.
    QuantizationStatusError: If `sequence` is not quantized relative to
        meter but `chords_per_bar` is specified or no beat annotations are
    UncommonTimeSignatureError: If `chords_per_bar` is not specified and
        `sequence` is quantized and has an uncommon time signature.
    NonIntegerStepsPerChordError: If the number of quantized steps per chord
        is not an integer.
    EmptySequenceError: If `sequence` is empty.
    SequenceTooLongError: If the number of chords to be inferred is too
  for ta in sequence.text_annotations:
    if ta.annotation_type == music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.CHORD_SYMBOL:
      raise SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError(
          'NoteSequence already has chord(s): %s' % ta.text)

  if sequences_lib.is_relative_quantized_sequence(sequence):
    # Infer a fixed number of chords per bar.
    if chords_per_bar is None:
      time_signature = (sequence.time_signatures[0].numerator,
      if time_signature not in _DEFAULT_TIME_SIGNATURE_CHORDS_PER_BAR:
        raise UncommonTimeSignatureError(
            'No default chords per bar for time signature: (%d, %d)' %
      chords_per_bar = _DEFAULT_TIME_SIGNATURE_CHORDS_PER_BAR[time_signature]

    # Determine the number of seconds (and steps) each chord is held.
    steps_per_bar_float = sequences_lib.steps_per_bar_in_quantized_sequence(
    steps_per_chord_float = steps_per_bar_float / chords_per_bar
    if steps_per_chord_float != round(steps_per_chord_float):
      raise NonIntegerStepsPerChordError(
          'Non-integer number of steps per chord: %f' % steps_per_chord_float)
    steps_per_chord = int(steps_per_chord_float)
    steps_per_second = sequences_lib.steps_per_quarter_to_steps_per_second(
        sequence.quantization_info.steps_per_quarter, sequence.tempos[0].qpm)
    seconds_per_chord = steps_per_chord / steps_per_second

    num_chords = int(math.ceil(sequence.total_time / seconds_per_chord))
    if num_chords == 0:
      raise EmptySequenceError('NoteSequence is empty.')

    # Sequence is not quantized relative to meter; chord changes will happen at
    # annotated beat times.
    if chords_per_bar is not None:
      raise sequences_lib.QuantizationStatusError(
          'Sequence must be quantized to infer fixed number of chords per bar.')
    beats = [
        ta for ta in sequence.text_annotations
        if ta.annotation_type == music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.BEAT
    if not beats:
      raise sequences_lib.QuantizationStatusError(
          'Sequence must be quantized to infer chords without annotated beats.')

    # Only keep unique beats in the interior of the sequence. The first chord
    # always starts at time zero, the last chord always ends at
    # `sequence.total_time`, and we don't want any zero-length chords.
    sorted_beats = sorted(
        [beat for beat in beats if 0.0 < beat.time < sequence.total_time],
        key=lambda beat: beat.time)
    unique_sorted_beats = [sorted_beats[i] for i in range(len(sorted_beats))
                           if i == 0
                           or sorted_beats[i].time > sorted_beats[i - 1].time]

    num_chords = len(unique_sorted_beats) + 1
    sorted_beat_times = [beat.time for beat in unique_sorted_beats]
    if sequences_lib.is_quantized_sequence(sequence):
      sorted_beat_steps = [beat.quantized_step for beat in unique_sorted_beats]

  if num_chords > _MAX_NUM_CHORDS:
    raise SequenceTooLongError(
        'NoteSequence too long for chord inference: %d frames' % num_chords)

  # Compute pitch vectors for each chord frame, then compute log-likelihood of
  # observing those pitch vectors under each possible chord.
  note_pitch_vectors = sequence_note_pitch_vectors(
      seconds_per_chord if chords_per_bar is not None else sorted_beat_times)
  chord_frame_loglik = _chord_frame_log_likelihood(
      note_pitch_vectors, chord_note_concentration)

  # Compute distribution over chords for each key, and transition distribution
  # between key-chord pairs.
  key_chord_distribution = _key_chord_distribution(
  key_chord_transition_distribution = _key_chord_transition_distribution(
  key_chord_loglik = np.log(key_chord_distribution)
  key_chord_transition_loglik = np.log(key_chord_transition_distribution)

  key_chords = _key_chord_viterbi(
      chord_frame_loglik, key_chord_loglik, key_chord_transition_loglik)

  if add_key_signatures:
    del sequence.key_signatures[:]

  # Add the inferred chord changes to the sequence, optionally adding key
  # signature(s) as well.
  current_key_name = None
  current_chord_name = None
  for frame, (key, chord) in enumerate(key_chords):
    if chords_per_bar is not None:
      time = frame * seconds_per_chord
      time = 0.0 if frame == 0 else sorted_beat_times[frame - 1]

    if _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key] != current_key_name:
      # A key change was inferred.
      if add_key_signatures:
        ks = sequence.key_signatures.add()
        ks.time = time
        ks.key = key
        if current_key_name is not None:

              'Sequence has key change from %s to %s at %f seconds.',
              current_key_name, _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key], time)

      current_key_name = _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key]

    if chord == constants.NO_CHORD:
      figure = constants.NO_CHORD
      root, kind = chord
      figure = '%s%s' % (_PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[root], kind)

    if figure != current_chord_name:
      ta = sequence.text_annotations.add()
      ta.time = time
      if sequences_lib.is_quantized_sequence(sequence):
        if chords_per_bar is not None:
          ta.quantized_step = frame * steps_per_chord
          ta.quantized_step = 0 if frame == 0 else sorted_beat_steps[frame - 1]
      ta.text = figure
      ta.annotation_type = music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.CHORD_SYMBOL
      current_chord_name = figure
def sequence_note_pitch_vectors(sequence, seconds_per_frame)

Compute pitch class vectors for temporal frames across a sequence.


The NoteSequence for which to compute pitch class vectors.
The size of the frame corresponding to each pitch class vector, in seconds. Alternatively, a list of frame boundary times in seconds (not including initial start time and final end time).


A numpy array with shape [num_frames, 12] where each row is a unit- normalized pitch class vector for the corresponding frame in sequence.

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def sequence_note_pitch_vectors(sequence, seconds_per_frame):
  """Compute pitch class vectors for temporal frames across a sequence.

    sequence: The NoteSequence for which to compute pitch class vectors.
    seconds_per_frame: The size of the frame corresponding to each pitch class
        vector, in seconds. Alternatively, a list of frame boundary times in
        seconds (not including initial start time and final end time).

    A numpy array with shape `[num_frames, 12]` where each row is a unit-
    normalized pitch class vector for the corresponding frame in `sequence`.
  if isinstance(seconds_per_frame, numbers.Number):
    # Construct array of frame boundary times.
    num_frames = int(math.ceil(sequence.total_time / seconds_per_frame))
    frame_boundaries = seconds_per_frame * np.arange(1, num_frames)
    frame_boundaries = sorted(seconds_per_frame)
    num_frames = len(frame_boundaries) + 1

  x = np.zeros([num_frames, 12])

  for note in sequence.notes:
    if note.is_drum:
    if note.program in constants.UNPITCHED_PROGRAMS:

    start_frame = bisect.bisect_right(frame_boundaries, note.start_time)
    end_frame = bisect.bisect_left(frame_boundaries, note.end_time)
    pitch_class = note.pitch % 12

    if start_frame >= end_frame:
      x[start_frame, pitch_class] += note.end_time - note.start_time
      x[start_frame, pitch_class] += (
          frame_boundaries[start_frame] - note.start_time)
      for frame in range(start_frame + 1, end_frame):
        x[frame, pitch_class] += (
            frame_boundaries[frame] - frame_boundaries[frame - 1])
      x[end_frame, pitch_class] += (
          note.end_time - frame_boundaries[end_frame - 1])

  x_norm = np.linalg.norm(x, axis=1)
  nonzero_frames = x_norm > 0
  x[nonzero_frames, :] /= x_norm[nonzero_frames, np.newaxis]

  return x


class ChordInferenceError (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class ChordInferenceError(Exception):  # pylint:disable=g-bad-exception-name


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException


class EmptySequenceError (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class EmptySequenceError(ChordInferenceError):


class NonIntegerStepsPerChordError (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class NonIntegerStepsPerChordError(ChordInferenceError):


class SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError(ChordInferenceError):


class SequenceTooLongError (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class SequenceTooLongError(ChordInferenceError):


class UncommonTimeSignatureError (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class UncommonTimeSignatureError(ChordInferenceError):
