Module note_seq.chord_inference
Chord inference for NoteSequences.
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# Copyright 2021 The Magenta Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Chord inference for NoteSequences."""
import bisect
import itertools
import math
import numbers
from absl import logging
from note_seq import constants
from note_seq import sequences_lib
from note_seq.protobuf import music_pb2
import numpy as np
# Names of pitch classes to use (mostly ignoring spelling).
'C', 'C#', 'D', 'Eb', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'Ab', 'A', 'Bb', 'B']
# Pitch classes in a key (rooted at zero).
_KEY_PITCHES = [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]
# Pitch classes in each chord kind (rooted at zero).
'': [0, 4, 7],
'm': [0, 3, 7],
'+': [0, 4, 8],
'dim': [0, 3, 6],
'7': [0, 4, 7, 10],
'maj7': [0, 4, 7, 11],
'm7': [0, 3, 7, 10],
'm7b5': [0, 3, 6, 10],
# All usable chords, including no-chord.
_CHORDS = [constants.NO_CHORD] + list(
itertools.product(range(12), _CHORD_KINDS))
# All key-chord pairs.
_KEY_CHORDS = list(itertools.product(range(12), _CHORDS))
# Maximum length of chord sequence to infer.
# Mapping from time signature to number of chords to infer per bar.
(2, 2): 1,
(2, 4): 1,
(3, 4): 1,
(4, 4): 2,
(6, 8): 2,
def _key_chord_distribution(chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob):
"""Probability distribution over chords for each key."""
num_pitches_in_key = np.zeros([12, len(_CHORDS)], dtype=np.int32)
num_pitches_out_of_key = np.zeros([12, len(_CHORDS)], dtype=np.int32)
# For each key and chord, compute the number of chord notes in the key and the
# number of chord notes outside the key.
for key in range(12):
key_pitches = set((key + offset) % 12 for offset in _KEY_PITCHES)
for i, chord in enumerate(_CHORDS[1:]):
root, kind = chord
chord_pitches = set((root + offset) % 12
for offset in _CHORD_KIND_PITCHES[kind])
num_pitches_in_key[key, i + 1] = len(chord_pitches & key_pitches)
num_pitches_out_of_key[key, i + 1] = len(chord_pitches - key_pitches)
# Compute the probability of each chord under each key, normalizing to sum to
# one for each key.
mat = ((1 - chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob) ** num_pitches_in_key *
chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob ** num_pitches_out_of_key)
mat /= mat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
return mat
def _key_chord_transition_distribution(
key_chord_distribution, key_change_prob, chord_change_prob):
"""Transition distribution between key-chord pairs."""
mat = np.zeros([len(_KEY_CHORDS), len(_KEY_CHORDS)])
for i, key_chord_1 in enumerate(_KEY_CHORDS):
key_1, chord_1 = key_chord_1
chord_index_1 = i % len(_CHORDS)
for j, key_chord_2 in enumerate(_KEY_CHORDS):
key_2, chord_2 = key_chord_2
chord_index_2 = j % len(_CHORDS)
if key_1 != key_2:
# Key change. Chord probability depends only on key and not previous
# chord.
mat[i, j] = (key_change_prob / 11)
mat[i, j] *= key_chord_distribution[key_2, chord_index_2]
# No key change.
mat[i, j] = 1 - key_change_prob
if chord_1 != chord_2:
# Chord probability depends on key, but we have to redistribute the
# probability mass on the previous chord since we know the chord
# changed.
mat[i, j] *= (
chord_change_prob * (
key_chord_distribution[key_2, chord_index_2] +
key_chord_distribution[key_2, chord_index_1] / (len(_CHORDS) -
# No chord change.
mat[i, j] *= 1 - chord_change_prob
return mat
def _chord_pitch_vectors():
"""Unit vectors over pitch classes for all chords."""
x = np.zeros([len(_CHORDS), 12])
for i, chord in enumerate(_CHORDS[1:]):
root, kind = chord
for offset in _CHORD_KIND_PITCHES[kind]:
x[i + 1, (root + offset) % 12] = 1
x[1:, :] /= np.linalg.norm(x[1:, :], axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
return x
def sequence_note_pitch_vectors(sequence, seconds_per_frame):
"""Compute pitch class vectors for temporal frames across a sequence.
sequence: The NoteSequence for which to compute pitch class vectors.
seconds_per_frame: The size of the frame corresponding to each pitch class
vector, in seconds. Alternatively, a list of frame boundary times in
seconds (not including initial start time and final end time).
A numpy array with shape `[num_frames, 12]` where each row is a unit-
normalized pitch class vector for the corresponding frame in `sequence`.
if isinstance(seconds_per_frame, numbers.Number):
# Construct array of frame boundary times.
num_frames = int(math.ceil(sequence.total_time / seconds_per_frame))
frame_boundaries = seconds_per_frame * np.arange(1, num_frames)
frame_boundaries = sorted(seconds_per_frame)
num_frames = len(frame_boundaries) + 1
x = np.zeros([num_frames, 12])
for note in sequence.notes:
if note.is_drum:
if note.program in constants.UNPITCHED_PROGRAMS:
start_frame = bisect.bisect_right(frame_boundaries, note.start_time)
end_frame = bisect.bisect_left(frame_boundaries, note.end_time)
pitch_class = note.pitch % 12
if start_frame >= end_frame:
x[start_frame, pitch_class] += note.end_time - note.start_time
x[start_frame, pitch_class] += (
frame_boundaries[start_frame] - note.start_time)
for frame in range(start_frame + 1, end_frame):
x[frame, pitch_class] += (
frame_boundaries[frame] - frame_boundaries[frame - 1])
x[end_frame, pitch_class] += (
note.end_time - frame_boundaries[end_frame - 1])
x_norm = np.linalg.norm(x, axis=1)
nonzero_frames = x_norm > 0
x[nonzero_frames, :] /= x_norm[nonzero_frames, np.newaxis]
return x
def _chord_frame_log_likelihood(note_pitch_vectors, chord_note_concentration):
"""Log-likelihood of observing each frame of note pitches under each chord."""
return chord_note_concentration *,
def _key_chord_viterbi(chord_frame_loglik,
"""Use the Viterbi algorithm to infer a sequence of key-chord pairs."""
num_frames, num_chords = chord_frame_loglik.shape
num_key_chords = len(key_chord_transition_loglik)
loglik_matrix = np.zeros([num_frames, num_key_chords])
path_matrix = np.zeros([num_frames, num_key_chords], dtype=np.int32)
# Initialize with a uniform distribution over keys.
for i, key_chord in enumerate(_KEY_CHORDS):
key, unused_chord = key_chord
chord_index = i % len(_CHORDS)
loglik_matrix[0, i] = (
-np.log(12) + key_chord_loglik[key, chord_index] +
chord_frame_loglik[0, chord_index])
for frame in range(1, num_frames):
# At each frame, store the log-likelihood of the best sequence ending in
# each key-chord pair, along with the index of the parent key-chord pair
# from the previous frame.
mat = (np.tile(loglik_matrix[frame - 1][:, np.newaxis],
[1, num_key_chords]) +
path_matrix[frame, :] = mat.argmax(axis=0)
loglik_matrix[frame, :] = (
mat[path_matrix[frame, :], range(num_key_chords)] +
np.tile(chord_frame_loglik[frame], 12))
# Reconstruct the most likely sequence of key-chord pairs.
path = [np.argmax(loglik_matrix[-1])]
for frame in range(num_frames, 1, -1):
path.append(path_matrix[frame - 1, path[-1]])
return [(index // num_chords, _CHORDS[index % num_chords])
for index in path[::-1]]
class ChordInferenceError(Exception): # pylint:disable=g-bad-exception-name
class SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError(ChordInferenceError):
class UncommonTimeSignatureError(ChordInferenceError):
class NonIntegerStepsPerChordError(ChordInferenceError):
class EmptySequenceError(ChordInferenceError):
class SequenceTooLongError(ChordInferenceError):
def infer_chords_for_sequence(sequence,
"""Infer chords for a NoteSequence using the Viterbi algorithm.
This uses some heuristics to infer chords for a quantized NoteSequence. At
each chord position a key and chord will be inferred, and the chords will be
added (as text annotations) to the sequence.
If the sequence is quantized relative to meter, a fixed number of chords per
bar will be inferred. Otherwise, the sequence is expected to have beat
annotations and one chord will be inferred per beat.
sequence: The NoteSequence for which to infer chords. This NoteSequence will
be modified in place.
chords_per_bar: If `sequence` is quantized, the number of chords per bar to
infer. If None, use a default number of chords based on the time
signature of `sequence`.
key_change_prob: Probability of a key change between two adjacent frames.
chord_change_prob: Probability of a chord change between two adjacent
chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob: Probability of a pitch in a chord not belonging
to the current key.
chord_note_concentration: Concentration parameter for the distribution of
observed pitches played over a chord. At zero, all pitches are equally
likely. As concentration increases, observed pitches must match the
chord pitches more closely.
add_key_signatures: If True, also add inferred key signatures to
`quantized_sequence` (and remove any existing key signatures).
SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError: If `sequence` already has chords.
QuantizationStatusError: If `sequence` is not quantized relative to
meter but `chords_per_bar` is specified or no beat annotations are
UncommonTimeSignatureError: If `chords_per_bar` is not specified and
`sequence` is quantized and has an uncommon time signature.
NonIntegerStepsPerChordError: If the number of quantized steps per chord
is not an integer.
EmptySequenceError: If `sequence` is empty.
SequenceTooLongError: If the number of chords to be inferred is too
for ta in sequence.text_annotations:
if ta.annotation_type == music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.CHORD_SYMBOL:
raise SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError(
'NoteSequence already has chord(s): %s' % ta.text)
if sequences_lib.is_relative_quantized_sequence(sequence):
# Infer a fixed number of chords per bar.
if chords_per_bar is None:
time_signature = (sequence.time_signatures[0].numerator,
if time_signature not in _DEFAULT_TIME_SIGNATURE_CHORDS_PER_BAR:
raise UncommonTimeSignatureError(
'No default chords per bar for time signature: (%d, %d)' %
chords_per_bar = _DEFAULT_TIME_SIGNATURE_CHORDS_PER_BAR[time_signature]
# Determine the number of seconds (and steps) each chord is held.
steps_per_bar_float = sequences_lib.steps_per_bar_in_quantized_sequence(
steps_per_chord_float = steps_per_bar_float / chords_per_bar
if steps_per_chord_float != round(steps_per_chord_float):
raise NonIntegerStepsPerChordError(
'Non-integer number of steps per chord: %f' % steps_per_chord_float)
steps_per_chord = int(steps_per_chord_float)
steps_per_second = sequences_lib.steps_per_quarter_to_steps_per_second(
sequence.quantization_info.steps_per_quarter, sequence.tempos[0].qpm)
seconds_per_chord = steps_per_chord / steps_per_second
num_chords = int(math.ceil(sequence.total_time / seconds_per_chord))
if num_chords == 0:
raise EmptySequenceError('NoteSequence is empty.')
# Sequence is not quantized relative to meter; chord changes will happen at
# annotated beat times.
if chords_per_bar is not None:
raise sequences_lib.QuantizationStatusError(
'Sequence must be quantized to infer fixed number of chords per bar.')
beats = [
ta for ta in sequence.text_annotations
if ta.annotation_type == music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.BEAT
if not beats:
raise sequences_lib.QuantizationStatusError(
'Sequence must be quantized to infer chords without annotated beats.')
# Only keep unique beats in the interior of the sequence. The first chord
# always starts at time zero, the last chord always ends at
# `sequence.total_time`, and we don't want any zero-length chords.
sorted_beats = sorted(
[beat for beat in beats if 0.0 < beat.time < sequence.total_time],
key=lambda beat: beat.time)
unique_sorted_beats = [sorted_beats[i] for i in range(len(sorted_beats))
if i == 0
or sorted_beats[i].time > sorted_beats[i - 1].time]
num_chords = len(unique_sorted_beats) + 1
sorted_beat_times = [beat.time for beat in unique_sorted_beats]
if sequences_lib.is_quantized_sequence(sequence):
sorted_beat_steps = [beat.quantized_step for beat in unique_sorted_beats]
if num_chords > _MAX_NUM_CHORDS:
raise SequenceTooLongError(
'NoteSequence too long for chord inference: %d frames' % num_chords)
# Compute pitch vectors for each chord frame, then compute log-likelihood of
# observing those pitch vectors under each possible chord.
note_pitch_vectors = sequence_note_pitch_vectors(
seconds_per_chord if chords_per_bar is not None else sorted_beat_times)
chord_frame_loglik = _chord_frame_log_likelihood(
note_pitch_vectors, chord_note_concentration)
# Compute distribution over chords for each key, and transition distribution
# between key-chord pairs.
key_chord_distribution = _key_chord_distribution(
key_chord_transition_distribution = _key_chord_transition_distribution(
key_chord_loglik = np.log(key_chord_distribution)
key_chord_transition_loglik = np.log(key_chord_transition_distribution)
key_chords = _key_chord_viterbi(
chord_frame_loglik, key_chord_loglik, key_chord_transition_loglik)
if add_key_signatures:
del sequence.key_signatures[:]
# Add the inferred chord changes to the sequence, optionally adding key
# signature(s) as well.
current_key_name = None
current_chord_name = None
for frame, (key, chord) in enumerate(key_chords):
if chords_per_bar is not None:
time = frame * seconds_per_chord
time = 0.0 if frame == 0 else sorted_beat_times[frame - 1]
if _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key] != current_key_name:
# A key change was inferred.
if add_key_signatures:
ks = sequence.key_signatures.add()
ks.time = time
ks.key = key
if current_key_name is not None:
'Sequence has key change from %s to %s at %f seconds.',
current_key_name, _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key], time)
current_key_name = _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key]
if chord == constants.NO_CHORD:
figure = constants.NO_CHORD
root, kind = chord
figure = '%s%s' % (_PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[root], kind)
if figure != current_chord_name:
ta = sequence.text_annotations.add()
ta.time = time
if sequences_lib.is_quantized_sequence(sequence):
if chords_per_bar is not None:
ta.quantized_step = frame * steps_per_chord
ta.quantized_step = 0 if frame == 0 else sorted_beat_steps[frame - 1]
ta.text = figure
ta.annotation_type = music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.CHORD_SYMBOL
current_chord_name = figure
def infer_chords_for_sequence(sequence, chords_per_bar=None, key_change_prob=0.001, chord_change_prob=0.5, chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob=0.01, chord_note_concentration=100.0, add_key_signatures=False)
Infer chords for a NoteSequence using the Viterbi algorithm.
This uses some heuristics to infer chords for a quantized NoteSequence. At each chord position a key and chord will be inferred, and the chords will be added (as text annotations) to the sequence.
If the sequence is quantized relative to meter, a fixed number of chords per bar will be inferred. Otherwise, the sequence is expected to have beat annotations and one chord will be inferred per beat.
- The NoteSequence for which to infer chords. This NoteSequence will be modified in place.
- If
is quantized, the number of chords per bar to infer. If None, use a default number of chords based on the time signature ofsequence
. key_change_prob
- Probability of a key change between two adjacent frames.
- Probability of a chord change between two adjacent frames.
- Probability of a pitch in a chord not belonging to the current key.
- Concentration parameter for the distribution of observed pitches played over a chord. At zero, all pitches are equally likely. As concentration increases, observed pitches must match the chord pitches more closely.
- If True, also add inferred key signatures to
(and remove any existing key signatures).
- If
already has chords. QuantizationStatusError
- If
is not quantized relative to meter butchords_per_bar
is specified or no beat annotations are present. UncommonTimeSignatureError
- If
is not specified andsequence
is quantized and has an uncommon time signature. NonIntegerStepsPerChordError
- If the number of quantized steps per chord is not an integer.
- If
is empty. SequenceTooLongError
- If the number of chords to be inferred is too large.
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def infer_chords_for_sequence(sequence, chords_per_bar=None, key_change_prob=0.001, chord_change_prob=0.5, chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob=0.01, chord_note_concentration=100.0, add_key_signatures=False): """Infer chords for a NoteSequence using the Viterbi algorithm. This uses some heuristics to infer chords for a quantized NoteSequence. At each chord position a key and chord will be inferred, and the chords will be added (as text annotations) to the sequence. If the sequence is quantized relative to meter, a fixed number of chords per bar will be inferred. Otherwise, the sequence is expected to have beat annotations and one chord will be inferred per beat. Args: sequence: The NoteSequence for which to infer chords. This NoteSequence will be modified in place. chords_per_bar: If `sequence` is quantized, the number of chords per bar to infer. If None, use a default number of chords based on the time signature of `sequence`. key_change_prob: Probability of a key change between two adjacent frames. chord_change_prob: Probability of a chord change between two adjacent frames. chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob: Probability of a pitch in a chord not belonging to the current key. chord_note_concentration: Concentration parameter for the distribution of observed pitches played over a chord. At zero, all pitches are equally likely. As concentration increases, observed pitches must match the chord pitches more closely. add_key_signatures: If True, also add inferred key signatures to `quantized_sequence` (and remove any existing key signatures). Raises: SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError: If `sequence` already has chords. QuantizationStatusError: If `sequence` is not quantized relative to meter but `chords_per_bar` is specified or no beat annotations are present. UncommonTimeSignatureError: If `chords_per_bar` is not specified and `sequence` is quantized and has an uncommon time signature. NonIntegerStepsPerChordError: If the number of quantized steps per chord is not an integer. EmptySequenceError: If `sequence` is empty. SequenceTooLongError: If the number of chords to be inferred is too large. """ for ta in sequence.text_annotations: if ta.annotation_type == music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.CHORD_SYMBOL: raise SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError( 'NoteSequence already has chord(s): %s' % ta.text) if sequences_lib.is_relative_quantized_sequence(sequence): # Infer a fixed number of chords per bar. if chords_per_bar is None: time_signature = (sequence.time_signatures[0].numerator, sequence.time_signatures[0].denominator) if time_signature not in _DEFAULT_TIME_SIGNATURE_CHORDS_PER_BAR: raise UncommonTimeSignatureError( 'No default chords per bar for time signature: (%d, %d)' % time_signature) chords_per_bar = _DEFAULT_TIME_SIGNATURE_CHORDS_PER_BAR[time_signature] # Determine the number of seconds (and steps) each chord is held. steps_per_bar_float = sequences_lib.steps_per_bar_in_quantized_sequence( sequence) steps_per_chord_float = steps_per_bar_float / chords_per_bar if steps_per_chord_float != round(steps_per_chord_float): raise NonIntegerStepsPerChordError( 'Non-integer number of steps per chord: %f' % steps_per_chord_float) steps_per_chord = int(steps_per_chord_float) steps_per_second = sequences_lib.steps_per_quarter_to_steps_per_second( sequence.quantization_info.steps_per_quarter, sequence.tempos[0].qpm) seconds_per_chord = steps_per_chord / steps_per_second num_chords = int(math.ceil(sequence.total_time / seconds_per_chord)) if num_chords == 0: raise EmptySequenceError('NoteSequence is empty.') else: # Sequence is not quantized relative to meter; chord changes will happen at # annotated beat times. if chords_per_bar is not None: raise sequences_lib.QuantizationStatusError( 'Sequence must be quantized to infer fixed number of chords per bar.') beats = [ ta for ta in sequence.text_annotations if ta.annotation_type == music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.BEAT ] if not beats: raise sequences_lib.QuantizationStatusError( 'Sequence must be quantized to infer chords without annotated beats.') # Only keep unique beats in the interior of the sequence. The first chord # always starts at time zero, the last chord always ends at # `sequence.total_time`, and we don't want any zero-length chords. sorted_beats = sorted( [beat for beat in beats if 0.0 < beat.time < sequence.total_time], key=lambda beat: beat.time) unique_sorted_beats = [sorted_beats[i] for i in range(len(sorted_beats)) if i == 0 or sorted_beats[i].time > sorted_beats[i - 1].time] num_chords = len(unique_sorted_beats) + 1 sorted_beat_times = [beat.time for beat in unique_sorted_beats] if sequences_lib.is_quantized_sequence(sequence): sorted_beat_steps = [beat.quantized_step for beat in unique_sorted_beats] if num_chords > _MAX_NUM_CHORDS: raise SequenceTooLongError( 'NoteSequence too long for chord inference: %d frames' % num_chords) # Compute pitch vectors for each chord frame, then compute log-likelihood of # observing those pitch vectors under each possible chord. note_pitch_vectors = sequence_note_pitch_vectors( sequence, seconds_per_chord if chords_per_bar is not None else sorted_beat_times) chord_frame_loglik = _chord_frame_log_likelihood( note_pitch_vectors, chord_note_concentration) # Compute distribution over chords for each key, and transition distribution # between key-chord pairs. key_chord_distribution = _key_chord_distribution( chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob=chord_pitch_out_of_key_prob) key_chord_transition_distribution = _key_chord_transition_distribution( key_chord_distribution, key_change_prob=key_change_prob, chord_change_prob=chord_change_prob) key_chord_loglik = np.log(key_chord_distribution) key_chord_transition_loglik = np.log(key_chord_transition_distribution) key_chords = _key_chord_viterbi( chord_frame_loglik, key_chord_loglik, key_chord_transition_loglik) if add_key_signatures: del sequence.key_signatures[:] # Add the inferred chord changes to the sequence, optionally adding key # signature(s) as well. current_key_name = None current_chord_name = None for frame, (key, chord) in enumerate(key_chords): if chords_per_bar is not None: time = frame * seconds_per_chord else: time = 0.0 if frame == 0 else sorted_beat_times[frame - 1] if _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key] != current_key_name: # A key change was inferred. if add_key_signatures: ks = sequence.key_signatures.add() ks.time = time ks.key = key else: if current_key_name is not None: 'Sequence has key change from %s to %s at %f seconds.', current_key_name, _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key], time) current_key_name = _PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[key] if chord == constants.NO_CHORD: figure = constants.NO_CHORD else: root, kind = chord figure = '%s%s' % (_PITCH_CLASS_NAMES[root], kind) if figure != current_chord_name: ta = sequence.text_annotations.add() ta.time = time if sequences_lib.is_quantized_sequence(sequence): if chords_per_bar is not None: ta.quantized_step = frame * steps_per_chord else: ta.quantized_step = 0 if frame == 0 else sorted_beat_steps[frame - 1] ta.text = figure ta.annotation_type = music_pb2.NoteSequence.TextAnnotation.CHORD_SYMBOL current_chord_name = figure
def sequence_note_pitch_vectors(sequence, seconds_per_frame)
Compute pitch class vectors for temporal frames across a sequence.
- The NoteSequence for which to compute pitch class vectors.
- The size of the frame corresponding to each pitch class vector, in seconds. Alternatively, a list of frame boundary times in seconds (not including initial start time and final end time).
A numpy array with shape
[num_frames, 12]
where each row is a unit- normalized pitch class vector for the corresponding frame insequence
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def sequence_note_pitch_vectors(sequence, seconds_per_frame): """Compute pitch class vectors for temporal frames across a sequence. Args: sequence: The NoteSequence for which to compute pitch class vectors. seconds_per_frame: The size of the frame corresponding to each pitch class vector, in seconds. Alternatively, a list of frame boundary times in seconds (not including initial start time and final end time). Returns: A numpy array with shape `[num_frames, 12]` where each row is a unit- normalized pitch class vector for the corresponding frame in `sequence`. """ if isinstance(seconds_per_frame, numbers.Number): # Construct array of frame boundary times. num_frames = int(math.ceil(sequence.total_time / seconds_per_frame)) frame_boundaries = seconds_per_frame * np.arange(1, num_frames) else: frame_boundaries = sorted(seconds_per_frame) num_frames = len(frame_boundaries) + 1 x = np.zeros([num_frames, 12]) for note in sequence.notes: if note.is_drum: continue if note.program in constants.UNPITCHED_PROGRAMS: continue start_frame = bisect.bisect_right(frame_boundaries, note.start_time) end_frame = bisect.bisect_left(frame_boundaries, note.end_time) pitch_class = note.pitch % 12 if start_frame >= end_frame: x[start_frame, pitch_class] += note.end_time - note.start_time else: x[start_frame, pitch_class] += ( frame_boundaries[start_frame] - note.start_time) for frame in range(start_frame + 1, end_frame): x[frame, pitch_class] += ( frame_boundaries[frame] - frame_boundaries[frame - 1]) x[end_frame, pitch_class] += ( note.end_time - frame_boundaries[end_frame - 1]) x_norm = np.linalg.norm(x, axis=1) nonzero_frames = x_norm > 0 x[nonzero_frames, :] /= x_norm[nonzero_frames, np.newaxis] return x
class ChordInferenceError (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class ChordInferenceError(Exception): # pylint:disable=g-bad-exception-name pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class EmptySequenceError (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class EmptySequenceError(ChordInferenceError): pass
- ChordInferenceError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class NonIntegerStepsPerChordError (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class NonIntegerStepsPerChordError(ChordInferenceError): pass
- ChordInferenceError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class SequenceAlreadyHasChordsError(ChordInferenceError): pass
- ChordInferenceError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class SequenceTooLongError (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class SequenceTooLongError(ChordInferenceError): pass
- ChordInferenceError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class UncommonTimeSignatureError (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class UncommonTimeSignatureError(ChordInferenceError): pass
- ChordInferenceError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException